Monday, May 31, 2010

oh...oh hey :)

The casual, "Oh hey." It's my go-to greeting. Any person that knows me will surely recognise this, because it always works in every situation. You got the traditional happy, "Oh HEY!" when you havent seen someone for awhile, you're meeting someone, etc. You got the sassy gay friend "OH HAYYY!" where you move your oversize Marc Jacobs and go in for very ostentatious air-kisses (oh in Europe. wink.). You got the sarcastic i-waited-for-you-forever-why-the-eff-aren't-you-begging-for-forgiveness-at-my-royal-stillettos-now-im-pursing-my-lips-and-killing-you-with-my-stare "oh hey." when you're friend runs late or you're pissed at someone. And lastly, you have the ever-so casual, ever-so deceiving, "Oh...hey" where you have no idea what I really mean. But when I put a smiley face next to it, via texting, facebook chat, or...GASP...I accompany the "oh hey" with a real life, not virtual smile.... now THAT means something. It means I'm happy to see you/talk to means I would like to see you/talk to you, but we're gonna be casual about it. After all, I hate to make a scene. :)

Technology is ruining relationships. Not just boyfriend/girlfriend, we-already-say-i-love-you relationships, but every relationship that hasn't been fully established. Texting is GREAT when you're in class, a loud concert, or a library, or pretty much any situation where talking on the phone is not accepted...but seriously, what ever happened to CALLING someone? Now when I meet a guy, it's "I'll text you tomorrow.".......Wow. Smooth. I'm swooning inside, can you tell? Men who might actually read your girls. It takes actual effort, I know, but we would LOVE if you would call us to say "Hi" or see what we're doing next weekend, or anything you might text us about. Texting is SO impersonal. Like, I'm so sorry if I'm not totally in lust after you send me a text saying, "Yo." YO?? Seriously? And the saddest part is that millions of girls just wait and wait on that stupid text. We used to wait for calls, now we wait for one word text messages that only imply he's too big of a pansy to pick up the dang phone and have somewhat of an intelligent conversation with a pretty girl. Oh and texting has completely recvolutionized the booty call. It is now a booty text. And what does it mean when you text someone all day? What does it mean when you stop texting that someone? The lines have officially been blurred even more. Us single girls now have even more reasons to be confused. Great job, technology.


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